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Additional Resources

CCFF's main mission is to provide families with financial assistance to those battling pediatric cancer. Here are additional resources and organizations that may be help in various ways. Click any of the underlined titles to see an organizations website.


Gilda's Club Madison

Gilda’s Club Madison uplifts and strengthens people impacted by cancer by providing support, fostering compassionate communities, and breaking down barriers to care. We work toward that mission by providing free emotional support, cancer education, and hope to children and adults living with any kind of cancer, and those who care for them. So that no one faces cancer alone. Support includes a virtual group for parents and caregivers of kids with cancer on the second and fourth Monday of the month from 6-7:30pm. To get involved contact Elizabeth at 608-828-8875 or


Imerman Angels

Through our unique matching process, Imerman Angels partners anyone, any age, any gender, anywhere and any cancer type seeking support with someone just like them – a “Mentor Angel.” A Mentor Angel is a cancer survivor or caregiver who most importantly has faced the same type of cancer.

Our service is absolutely free and helps anyone touched by any type of cancer, at any cancer stage level, at any age, living anywhere in the world.


Cancer Support Community of Greater Ann Arbor

Is a local nonprofit affiliate of The International Cancer Support Community (CSC), opening our doors in 2007. The Cancer Support Community is the largest and most comprehensive program in the country devoted solely to providing emotional support and education to people with cancer, their caregivers and children – all free of charge.


LifeLine Pilots

LifeLine Pilots is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to serving the community by coordinating free air transportation, through volunteer pilots, for people with medical or humanitarian needs far from home. Serving Wisconsin, Illinois, and Michigan. 


Badger Childhood Cancer Network

The Badger Childhood Cancer Network serves families from all over Wisconsin and several northern Illinois counties whose child has been diagnosed with cancer or a life-threatening blood disorder. The Badger Childhood Cancer Network provides family support and financial assistance to patients from infancy to 18 years of age who are on treatment at the American Family Children’s Hospital in Madison, WI. The number of families served is upwards of 400 in any given year.


Angels of Hope

Provides financial assistance to Michigan children and families affected by cancer.


New Day Foundation for Families

New Day’s mission is to alleviate their greatest financial and emotional burdens by providing financial stability and profound hope. Qualified applicants have either a parent or child currently undergoing cancer treatment in the state of Michigan, and must have dependent children under the age of 18 living in the home. 


HOPE for Young Adults with Cancer

is one of only a handful of non-profit organizations nationwide that focuses on providing direct financial support to young adults ages 18 – 40 who are currently battling cancer as well as those who have been in remission for up to 5 years after their treatment through their “Giving Hope Fund”. 


Allyson Whitney Foundation

If you are between 16-36, have a rare cancer and are in treatment (or within 8 months of completion, please check out The Allyson Whitney Foundation for possible financial assistance. 


The DAM-Cancer Foundation

Provides financial grants to young adult cancer patients, ages 18 through 35, the most financially vulnerable of all the cancer age groups. 


Bear Necessities - Chicago 

We offer financial support to all families who qualify for a Bear Hug. Families are eligible for $500 per instance of diagnosis and relapse, which can be used for gas, groceries, transportation, or assistance in paying utility bills. 


COMPASS TO CARE - Chicago, Iowa

Compass to Care is proud to have three distinct nationwide non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) solutions that directly and immediately remove the transportation barriers to health care access for children with cancer who are living in poverty.


Camp Sunshine - Wisconsin

Families with a child diagnosed with cancer attend one of the week-long camps.  Our focus is on alleviating the strain that a life threatening illness takes not only on the sick child but also on other family members.  Families have an opportunity to rebuild their relationships together and meet other families facing similar challenges. 


Joshua’s Camp - Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Joshua's Camp is a very special retreat with a life-renewing mission. We offer a safe haven where everyone in the family is given the opportunity to step back, relax and experience a feeling of solid ground. Joshua's Camp is available to qualifying registered families free of charge. Joshua’s Camp accepts families (immediate members) that have a child 0-17 years of age that is being treated for cancer or has been out of treatment for three years or less.


The Sheboygan County Cancer Care Fund

Is a charitable organization dedicated to providing financial assistance for cancer patients and survivors in Sheboygan County.


FAM (Fighting All Monsters)

FAM's mission is to bring quality support to FAMilies with children facing life threatening challenges. They are there to ease the multifaceted and unique burdens of FAMilies facing monsters. A range of FAM services have been curated to enable us to stand by FAMilies physically, financially and emotionally. Whether it's a dream fulfillment for children in treatment, bill assistance, gift giving, community building or bereavement support for FAMilies, we strive to elicit some happiness and relief in the midst of dark times. 


Iron Matt

Since 2007, our Board of Directors has worked to fulfill the IronMatt mission to financially

support families living with pediatric brain tumors and to fund research in the hopes of finding a cure. The Family Assistance Program has grown considerably through the years as social workers in hospitals nationwide learned of the support system.  A special FAP committee meets monthly to review requests from families who struggle to keep up with mounting financial burdens as their children struggle to fight cancer.  Each child recipient becomes part of the Foundation as an IronKid.  To date, IronMatt has helped over 900 families in 45 states.


Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society® (LLS) is a global leader in the fight against cancer. The LLS mission: Cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families. LLS funds lifesaving blood cancer research around the world, provides free information and support services, and is the voice for all blood cancer patients seeking access to quality, affordable, coordinated care.



Momcology is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to extending the benefits of community by providing reciprocal peer support models for families affected by childhood cancer. We provide modern and intuitive national platforms for primary caregivers to connect with each other, support one another, seek current and timely information, and begin the long-term healing process after a childhood cancer diagnosis through a strong, resilient and educated peer support community. Establishing a supportive peer community is an important piece to navigating life after a childhood cancer diagnosis by both giving and receiving support. Momcology has filled this gap in care through creating both online and in-person peer programs.


Cactus Cancer Society (formerly Lacuna Loft)

Cactus Cancer Society’s mission is to provide a safe space where young adults facing cancer can connect, cope, and thrive with one another in an online community through creativity and expression. Our vision is to end isolation among young adults facing cancer.


Portia's Purpose

Portia’s Purpose is focused on providing crucial financial support to families through treatment and research organizations in order to give the fight against childhood cancer the attention it deserves. The level of burden experienced by all families of children with cancer, regardless of family finances, is extraordinary.   They cannot fight cancer alone.


Robin's Nest | Facebook

WHAT IS ROBIN’S NEST: They are a LOCAL non-profit sharing "Robin's spirit of hope through acts of kindness". If you know anyone affected by cancer- you can reach out to Robin's Nest. They will put together a bag with a blanket, socks, ChapStick, Robin's cookbook accompanied with money and/or gift cards for the family to help spread the love, hope and kindness! Each nest offers anywhere from $200-$1000 in support for a family, dependent on their needs. Robin's Nest also supports other local non-profit's that are helping alleviate the burden of cancer in our area- for instance- if a child is diagnosed and Portia's Purpose (which focuses on pediatric cancer families) is helping out- Robin's Nest will make a donation/contribution to Portia's Purpose to help that family out. Robin's Nest also does "hope always" surprise drops to the patients of St. E's and Theda's radiation departments 2-3 times a year. This includes a $20 gas card- this is 50 cards split between the 2 locations. With all of this combined there were over 150 small nest interactions over this past year! The support from this fundraiser is a big reason Robin's Nest is able to continue to spread "Hope Always" to anyone locally affected by Cancer!


The Angel Fund 

The Angel Fund is dedicated to giving financial and social support to families residing in Northeastern Wisconsin and Upper Michigan whose children under 21 years of age are receiving treatment for cancer or bone marrow failure. The Angel Fund is for the family that must bear the burden of enormous medical and related expenses in an effort to cure their child of a life threatening disease.


Katie Beckett Program of Wisconsin 

The Katie Beckett Program is a special eligibility process that allows certain children with long-term disabilities, mental illness, or complex medical needs, living at home with their families, to obtain a ForwardHealth card. Children who are not eligible for other Medicaid programs because the income or assets of their parents are too high may be eligible for Medicaid through the Katie Beckett Program. A child may be eligible for this source of Medicaid even if they are currently covered under a private health insurance policy.


Families of Children with Cancer

Families of Children With Cancer was founded on the belief that when a child is sick, the entire family is affected. Their support focuses on the individual child along with the family.


The Spierings Cancer Foundation

The Spierings Cancer Foundation is a grassroots organization with three goals: help local families who are battling cancer, enhance cancer treatment in our community, and fund cancer research in our state. 


Special Space - Wisconsin

Special Spaces Wisconsin creates dream bedroom makeovers for dependent children ages 2-19 with cancer who are within one year of active treatment. Our goal is to provide them a safe place to recover, heal, sleep and even play. A very special space just to be a kid!

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Contact Us

Children's Cancer Family Foundation of Northeast Wisconsin c/o A-mazing Events

740 Ford Street, Suite B, Kimberly, WI 54136

Connect with us

Registered Charity Number : 81-2134490

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